
The industry’s first air conditioning system to use R290 natural refrigerant

Wabtec's 绿色的空气 sets the new market st和ard for natural refrigerant 暖通空调 systems.

  • Environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic refrigerant solutions
  • Can be used in all climatic zones
  • Suitable for most types of rail vehicles
  • For application on new builds or as aftermarket upgrades
  • Efficient heat pump option available
  • Provides similar cooling performance as existing synthetic, refrigerant-based solutions with same train power supply requirements
Next Generation Technology

客户 & Environmental 好处

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Reduces Global Warming Potential

Traditional synthetic refrigerants, such as R-134a, have a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 1430.These high-GWP refrigerants trap substantially more heat in the atmosphere than natural R290-based solutions. R290 refrigerant has a GWP of 3 和 meets long-term regulatory requirements, eliminating the need for costly equipment changes to adhere to environmental st和ards.

Operational Savings

绿色的空气 offers up to 30% weight savings compared to CO2 applications 和 50% lower filling charge compared to 513a applications.

System Compatibility

Similar pressure level 和 auxiliary power supply requirements when compared to synthetic solutions. In addition, the mechanical interfaces are identical in most applications.


Coefficient of performance (COP) over ambient temperature for a theoretical unit offers similar performance compared to R134a 和 better than CO2 (R744) 和 Air-cycle (R729)

绿色的空气 暖通空调 - 能源效率
Proven Technology

Our 绿色的空气 暖通空调 technology has been tested 和 validated by external experts including the BAM Federal Institute for 材料 Research 和 Testing in 德国 和 TÜV SÜD. 绿色的空气 has been running in daily passenger operations since July 2020 with Deutsche Bahn in 德国.


Wabtec 交通 Trail